I have not seen such enthusiasm about learning math since I myself was in 5th grade. Mr. Mulligan engaged, encouraged and informed with passion for the subject. The students were attentive. No one was left behind or lost. I was impressed by how confident the students were when discussing advanced mathematics. I enjoyed myself and learned new things. I hope to sit in again. Great job class! You make math less scary. 😊

— J. McKay, Parent of a 5th grader

Love how the children physically respond to the instructor. They are having the best time learning. From what I’ve gathered they are currently learning about equations.

— C. Lyons, Parent of a 3rd grader

I was astonished to see how he took my 6th grade class and taught them a complex lesson that is taught at the high school level. My students expressed their eagerness of getting to high school so they can do this “cool math.”

— E. Hossain, Middle School Mathematics Teacher

I was very impressed with the reaction the children had. I was more impressed at how well and quick the children were answering the questions they were given. I always knew the children were very smart but I’m excited to know they have a program they look forward to and are eager to learn. I also learned as well so I would highly recommend this program to all schools.

— K. Lomax, Parent of a 5th grader

I absolutely loved this! It was very engaging and informative. It presented advanced concepts to the kids in a way that was fun and easy to understand. It was so much fun it didn’t seem like it was school work.

— B. Minter, Parent of a 5th grader

  1. Very Interesting learning for the class.
  2. A wonderful way to teach the students a different way to learn about Math.
  3. I really enjoyed this time experiencing the math technology for the students.”

— Y. Calhoun, Parent of a 5th grader

Most of the students seemed to be totally involved. What a great learning experience. Excellent hand signals! I didn’t know learning math could be so much fun!

— J. Underwood, Parent of a 5th grader

I like Mr. Mulligans’ methods, for example his use of repetition to teach a lesson, getting the students to participate (all done in a light-hearted way). Also his way of having the students prove their answers.

— J. Taylor, Grandparent of a 7th grader

I really enjoyed how the students participate with the instructor…how fun and understanding of the work. This is a wonderful program with students.

— T. Williams, Parent of a 7th grader

These are some of the many positive comments we have received from parents.